Sunday, June 20, 2010

Add. Then substract.

Do you remember that time you came over to my place in London; we had just gotten home from a walk or a drive? (I could pretend that I remember the specifics, but I won't) I told you that I wanted to go to the backyard because the stars were so beautiful that night, the sky was so clear (for the city, that is). You were hesitant, for some reason, but you reluctantly agreed to spend some time with me laying there, on the grass, no sheets. Just your back on the ground and your head on my chest.
I remember thinking to myself; "Wow, this is everything I need right now. Relaxing and gazing at God's perfect creation with the girl I love."
That thought lasted about.. 2 minutes. You got up and you said "K, let's go!"
I wanted to stay. So bad. But you kept insisting that we leave. I still remember you always telling me to pick my battles, so that's exactly what I did. You wanted to go, I wanted to stay - so I thought "Yeah, this one isn't so worth it." Even though, deep in my heart, it was.

It took me a long time to figure out. In fact, I didn't understand why you wanted to leave so bad until you told me a little less than a year after we had broken up.
Do you remember what you told me? I don't want to search the e-mails for the exact answer because I would rather not have my insides twisted. But I remember you telling me something along the lines of "It was too perfect of a moment, I didn't deserve it. It was too good to be true."

My friend told me that's a girl's way of saying that she's not ready for that serious of a commitment.
I thought about that for a bit, and I came to this conclusion:

That single moment that lasted 2-5 minutes, sums up our entire relationship.

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